Herr Foods to Invest $31 Million on Two Southeast Ohio Plants
Snack manufacturer Herr Foods Inc. has announced it will invest $31 million in Jackson and Chillicothe, Ohio, to build and expand processing facilities there, creating 125 new jobs at those locations.
The Nottingham, Pa.-based processor produces more than 340 snack products available throughout the U.S. and worldwide, and will expand the Chillicothe facility to meet growing demand.
Meanwhile, Herr Foods will invest $25 million into a property it purchased in Jackson — the Jackson Industrial Rail Site (which includes a warehouse). That project will create 75 jobs.
The remaining $6 million of the planned investment will go into expanding the Chillicothe plant and adding 50 jobs there. According to JobsOhio president and CEO J.P. Nauseef, the projects will result in Herr employing twice as many Ohioans as it currently does.