Consumer advocacy groups are suing to make the federal government require nutritional information on alcoholic beverages.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and other organizations filed a lawsuit Oct. 3 against the U.S. Treasury Department in Washington, D.C. federal court. It seeks to make Treasury require, through its Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, alcoholic beverage bottlers to disclose nutritional information on a label panel, similarly to what is required for conventional food and beverage products.
Nutritional disclosure for alcoholic beverages has been debated for years. CSPI and some of the other plaintiffs petitioned Treasury for a disclosure rule in 2003, and comments were taken afterward, but no finalized rule emerged. The lawsuit seeks to force Treasury to act on that petition within 60 days.
“Enhanced transparency in alcohol labeling is a commonsense step that can help address the health and safety concerns related to the consumption of alcohol and would allow consumers to make informed choices about the alcoholic products they purchase,” the complaint states.