Chicago-based plant-focused company Zenb U.S. Inc., is launching Zenb Veggie Sticks. The company earned its name from the Japanese word “zenbu,” meaning “whole.” Staying true to its origins, the company uses whole vegetables in its bars, including the high-fiber parts that often get thrown away, such as seeds, peels and stems. In addition to vegetables, the product is made with other organic ingredients that celebrate the simple flavor of the vegetable, such as diced almonds, date syrup, agave syrup, brown rice puffs, almond butter, red quinoa puffs and olive oil.
Along with the nutritional benefits of using the discarded vegetable parts, the company is educating consumers about food waste and the importance of using as much of the vegetable as possible. The bars are making their debut as direct-to-consumer mail order in: Corn, made with the cob; Beet, made with the peel; and Red Bell Pepper, made with the stem and seeds--or in mixed packs in counts of six, nine and 18 bars. One bar contains 130-150 calories, 5-7g fat, 6-9g sugar, 3-4g protein and 3-5g fiber, depending on variety.