The model 42N-10 ribbon blender is used for the efficient and effective mixing of powders, granules, pellets, grains and other bulk solids. Available in lab scale to full production models, these machines are built to handle a wide range of bulk densities and can be customized for heavy-duty and sanitary applications.
Ross; Hauppauge, N.Y.
3A line of flow meters
The new 3A Sanitary Series of flow meters promises precision, hygiene, and reliability in the food & beverage industry. Designed to meet rigorous 3A sanitary requirements, they provide precise and repeatable measurement performance for critical applications that demand the utmost cleanliness and accuracy. They’re built with 316 stainless steel construction and polished to a mirror-like finish. Measurement precision is within ±0.5% linearity. They handle flow rates ranging from 0.6 to 500 GPM. Capable of operating in environments up to 450°F.
Turbines Inc.; Seneca, S.C.
Wrapping small, single items
The New Breezy Wrapper is an innovative, compact wrapper suitable for packaging single items, stacked products and trays. It seamlessly combines horizontal flow wrapping and vertical bagging in a compact design, ideal for institutional packaging, snacks, baked goods, meal kits, produce, fruits, vegetables and more. You can hand-load and wrap anything in bag sizes 2-10 inches wide and 2-24 inches long. Just tap foot switch and hand-load your product and the machine continuously auto-wraps products with different length.
ValTaraTec/Paxiom; Schio, Italy
Dual energy X-ray inspection