Nestlé SA scientists have discovered a way to create a new sugar structure, which could allow a 40 percent reduction in sugar in its chocolate bars – and possibly in other foods.
"Using only natural ingredients, researchers have found a way to structure sugar differently. So even when much less is used in chocolate, your tongue perceives an almost identical sweetness to before," a company announcement on Nov. 30 said.
In a description to the New York Times, a Nestle scientist made it sound like a hollowed-out structure – all sugar on the outside, the surface area that is sensed by the tongue and taste buds, but less or no sugar on the inside, which does little to help the sensation of sweetness but does add calories when the whole molecule is digested.
Nestlé is patenting its findings and said it will begin to use the faster-dissolving sugar across a range of its confectionery products from 2018 onwards.
The company said it expects to provide more details about the first roll-out of reduced-sugar confectionery sometime next year.
"The research will accelerate Nestlé’s efforts to meet its continued public commitment to reducing sugar in its products," the company said.