Botanical tapioca starch
New tapioca-based cook-up starches, Clearam TR 2010, Clearam TR 2510, Clearam TR 3010 and Clearam TR 4010 have been developed to address unmet texture needs of food manufacturers and complement existing botanical sources within the broader range. Formulated to enhance viscosity, consistency and elasticity in various food applications from sauces, dairy desserts and yogurt to bakery fillings, these modified starches help to ensure distinct and desirable sensory experiences for consumers in terms of taste, aesthetics and allergens as their neutral flavor profile allows the natural taste of the intended application to shine through.
Roquette; La Madeleine, France
Stretching meat and sausage yield
HydroTop high gel series is geared toward producers of minced meat products such as burger patties, nuggets and meatballs. These functional systems improve the binding and make it possible to reduce the meat content without compromising quality. The final product is juicier and the natural fiber structure is retained along with taste and mouthfeel while maintaining higher yield, reducing cooking losses and improving texture and juiciness. This product combines economical production with high reliability and consistent quality in fresh, cooked and cured meat products.
Hydrosol GmbH; Hamburg, Germany
+49 4102-202003;
Nut-free flavor
Boostract is a natural, allergen free nut type formulated to recreate the roasted, oily and nutty notes found in traditional nut products. Featuring technology that enhances the nuttiness, creaminess, and roasted nut characteristics in an allergen-free base, this product allows manufacturers to amplify the flavor, mouthfeel and longevity of taste in bars, nut replacement butters, yogurts and more.
T. Hasegawa; Cerritos, Calif.