Italian dairy Granarolo S.p.A. has acquired Calabro Cheese Corp., a cheese producer and distributor in East Haven, Conn. Price was not disclosed. Calabro had sales last year of approximately $25 million.
Calabro produces and markets fresh dairy products, in particular ricotta, mozzarella and burrata. It was founded in 1953 as a distributor of Italian dairy products by Joseph Calabro and his father Salvatore. It boasts a modern production facility of over 5,000 square meters and a distribution platform serving the areas of New York, New England, New Jersey, as well as the southern and western areas of the U.S.
Granarolo, based in Bologna, has two operational areas: Granlatte, which collects milk, and the joint stock company, Granarolo S.p.A. - which processes and sells the finished product and has 13 production facilities across Italy, two in France, three in Brazil, one in New Zealand, one in the United Kingdom and one in Germany. Foreign sales in 2020 accounted for 33% of the total.