Cuties are a relatively new variety of citrus — a cross between a sweet orange and a Chinese mandarin. California Cuties are actually two different fruits, Clementine mandarins, harvested from mid-October to April, and Murcott mandarins, harvested from Mid-January to April.
Cuties are a healthy snack kids love and moms can feel good about. They are exceptionally sweet and provide important vitamins and minerals. With only 80 calories per serving (two mandarins), Cuties are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C and potassium. Each serving contains four grams of fiber — nearly 16 percent of the daily recommended amount — and 300 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C.
Best of all, they are the perfect size for small hands, easy to peel and seedless which means even the smallest children can "do it themselves."
According to a Produce for Kids study released by the Perishables Group earlier this year, only 18 percent of kids are eating the recommended three or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day, and, surprisingly, 43 percent of parents say their children eat one or fewer servings.
Cuties are distinctively packaged in five-pound boxes and three-pound bags featuring the Cuties character along with fun stickers for the kids. Being small, seedless and easy to peel makes them perfect for today's on-the-go families.