Hind-Bock's Industrial Muffin and Cake Batter Depositors are Built to Handle up to 12,000 Pounds Per Hour
Hinds-Bock manufactures a large family of industrial muffin and cake batter depositors. Standard and custom systems from stand alone depositors to complete 12,000 pound per hour production depositing lines include tray and cup denesting, multiple batter depositors, pan oilers and dry ingredient depositors.
The company's industrial muffin and cake depositors and depositing lines can be fed by its bulk intermediate hoppers. These bulk hoppers will accept multiple batches of batter from the largest mixers and feed the batter to the hopper of the depositor automatically. The bulk hoppers are available in double or triple wall configuration to accept cooling water and insulation to help maintain product temperature. The depositors feature diving positive shut off spouts with large ports to handle the most viscous batters with large frozen particulates without tailing.