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November 2005 Ingredient Round-Up - Starches

Oct. 25, 2004
This roundup of food starches offers solutions to a myriad formulation challenges.
Hi-Maize resistant starch is a fiber booster.

Starch and fiberHi-Maize 5-in-1 Fiber is a high-amylose maize starch, an enriched source of dietary fiber and resistant starch. It helps products meet consumer needs by raising fiber content without negatively changing the flavors and textures that consumers expect from the foods they enjoy. It’s easily incorporated into a broad range of low-moisture foods, including breads, muffins, cereals, crackers, snacks and pasta. Its structure-function claims maximize your food’s marketability beyond that of added fiber.National Starch Food Innovation; Bridgewater, N.J.800-787-4992; www.foodinnovation.comHigh fiber, low carbsActiStar RT resistant tapioca starches provide the benefits of high fiber in lower net carbohydrate food formulations. Functioning as a replacement for flour with about 80 percent total dietary fiber, it is useful in reducing the total net carbs in typically high-carb foods such as breads and cereal. The starch has a low water-holding capacity, and doesn’t detract from the desired taste, texture or appearance of finished products. Cargill Food & Pharma Specialties; Minneapolis952-742-6816; www.cargill.com

ADM's starches fit numerous applications.

Modified food starchesThe vendor offers several starches in its ingredient portfolio. They include Jeltec 3 and Jeltec 8 acetylated wheat starches. Both are white in color, 13 percent moisture and suitable for pastas, noodles, meats, breadings/batters, fillings/puddings, soups/sauces/gravies, canned foods and candies. Jeltec 3’s degree of substitution is .02; Jeltec 8’s is .07.Archer Daniels Midland Co.; Decatur, Ill.217-451-8095; www.admworld.comMixing it upExpandex modified tapioca starch and the Maizing bakery mix line are teamed for use in gluten-free bakery applications. The starch, the main ingredient in many of the bakery mix products, helps to enhance the action of leavening agents in gluten-free baking applications. They are made from corn- and tapioca-based starches, but may contain corn gluten, which is not associated with celiac disease. Corn Products; Westchester, Ill.708-551-2788; www.cornproducts.com

A&B Ingredients' rice starches improve mouthfeel.

Versatile rice starchRemyline XS is a rice starch that is used to enhance the flavor release, texture, sheen and mouthfeel of frozen and refrigerated prepared meal systems. It is freeze/thaw stable, all-natural and economically priced. Additionally, the starch is also naturally hypoallergenic and easy to digest.A&B Ingredients; Fairfield, N.J.973-227-1390; www.abingredients.comStabilized starchesCompared to other cook-up starches, Pure-Gel modified starches hydrate easily and impart high viscosity. These starches are designed to provide stable viscosity in the presence of extended heat, acid and shear conditions. For processed meat applications, Pre-Gel products provide economic benefits including increased water-holding capacity, moisture management and improved yields at a reduced hydration temperature. In dairy applications, thesy can suspend solids, enhance mouthfeel and provide a stable viscosity in refrigerated conditions. They also are easily hydrated in high-fat sauce systems and provide steam table stability for gravies and sauces. For thermally-processed fruit fillings, the low hot viscosity results in reduced back pressure and better fruit integrity.Grain Processing Corp.; Muscatine, Iowa800-448-4472; www.grainprocessing.comFor binding and thickeningEmden XVH 1050 can be applied as binding and thickening agent with good texturing and shelf life properties in dairy products, canned and deep-frozen foods and dressings and sauces. While boiling, it yields a medium viscous and rather clear solution with short structure. The starch has an excellent heat, shear, sterilization and freeze-thaw stability, even in mild-acid solutions. Emden XVH 1050 has good water binding ability and shelf life.American Key Food Products; Closter, N.J.800-767-0237; www.americankeyfood.com

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