How do you feel about your job or your salary? Do you like it or loathe it?
Let us know how you feel...anonymously. We're conducting our 2021 Salary and Job Satisfaction Survey and could use your help. Take our 5 minute survey and let us know where you stand. Results will be online and in the October issue of Food Processing. Take the Survey
PepsiCo was named to's 2021 Best Companies for Women to Advance™ list for the second year in a row. Parity launched the list in 2020 to recognize organizations that have benefits, policies, and programs that are particularly beneficial for women to advance in the workplace.
Parity, a non-profit organization, focuses on closing the gender gap at the highest levels of business. Other companies being named to the 2021 list include The Clorox Company, Fortescue Metals, and Skillz among others.
According to the organization, those companies that appeared on the 2021 list share similarities in best practices, including flexible working hours, telecommuting or work-from-home options, and equal paid family leave for men and women. In addition, 97% of the companies on this year's list report gender parity on their executive teams. The companies were rated for their organization's equality, representation, inclusion, and enablers, or those benefits and policies that help create and sustain equal representation.