USDA is inviting comments on the proposed rule to establish the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (GMO labeling), mandated by Congress in 2016. The comment period will be open till July 3.
"The standard will provide a uniform way to offer meaningful disclosure for consumers who want more information about their food and avoid a patchwork system of state or private labels that could be confusing for consumers and would likely drive up food costs," the USDA announcement read.
“This rulemaking presents several possible ways to determine what foods will be covered by the final rule and what the disclosure will include and look like,” said Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. “We are looking for public input on a number of these key decisions before a final rule is issued later this year.”
The proposed rule is open for the customary 60-day public comment period, but will not be extended because the agriculture department already is running a little late in creating the process. USDA expects thousands of comments from industry and consumers about how to enact GMO labeling.
Comments may be submitted online through the Federal eRulemaking portal: Written comments also may be filed at Docket Clerk, 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Room 4543-South, Washington, DC 20250; fax: 202-690-0338.