AdvancePierre Foods Inc.


About AdvancePierre Foods Inc.


More Info on AdvancePierre Foods Inc.

9990 Princeton Road, Cincinnati, OH 45246
Phone: 800-969-2747

Executives: CEO: Bill Toler; SVP-Human Resources: Paul Telenson; SVP-Marketing & Product Development: Lisa Frick; VP-R&D: Bernie Panchot; Pres.-Convenience: Anthony Schroder; Pres.-Foodservice: Chris Kiser; SVP-Operations: Mike Zelkind; CFO: Michael Sims; Pres.-Retail: Tony Landretti

Brands: Fast Fixin, Barber Foods, Pierre Drive Thru, Pierre Signatures, Big Az, Hot n' Ready, Pierre, and The Pub

Major Product Areas: Beef, pork, poultry, sandwiches and bakery products