Birko Corporation is distributing HB2 from Enviro Tech, a new Hypobromous Acid chemistry for use as an antimicrobial on meat. Hypobromous Acid generated from HB2 has been shown, in controlled lab tests, to reduce E. coli 0157:H7 and other problem pathogens by as much as 99.959% in a one minute period and up to 99.999% over five minutes. It compares favorably in efficacy and cost with other popular antimicrobial interventions in current use and has received GRAS notification for use in USDA- inspected plants. This new, patent-pending, two-part liquid source of Hypobromous Acid can be mixed safely and efficiently inline to the application with Birko’s chemical delivery equipment. Birko provides evaluation data, validation test samples and full implementation support for this beneficial antimicrobial.
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Birko Corporation
Jan. 1, 2000