Mixing and Blending: PacMoore Process Technologies
PacMoore's Blending & Mixing system designs are based on a thorough knowledge of the contract manufacturing industry and an understanding of our customers processing needs. The systems are designed and engineered for speed, precision, efficiency, versatility, and plant safety.
Littleford/Lodige plow mixer technology
The plow mixer offers an action created by the movement and geometry of the mixing elements. The mixing elements produce thorough, but gentle intermingling of the materials of the mix in a mechanically fluidized bed. The mixing elements are arranged at engineered intervals on the mixer shaft, and their size, number, arrangement, geometric shape and peripheral speed are designed to force the product into appropriate components of axial and radial motion. Our units possess high-speed blending choppers, enhancing mixing action by controlling particle size and trace or liquid ingredient dispersion. Typical blend times are one to five minutes. Unit sizes are 200 cubic feet capacity.
Ribbon blender technology
The Double Ribbon blender is valued for it's versatility. It consists of an inner and an outer ribbon providing counter-directional flow while keeping the product in constant motion throughout the vessel. Inside ribbons move materials toward the ends of the blender whereas the outside ribbons move material back toward the center discharge. Typical blend times are ten to twenty minutes. Unit size is 200 cubic feet capacity.
The Paddle/Ribbon unit combines inner ribbons with outer paddles. It is especially well suited for heat or shear sensitive products. While maintaining counter-directional flow, the outer paddles minimize pinch points at the wall thus introducing less frictional heat than a continuous outer ribbon. Typical blend times are ten to twenty minutes. Unit size is 200 cubic feet capacity.
Paddle blender technology
The Paddle Blender is best suited for products of uniform size and density. It is also well suited for blends that have robust flavor and smell. This mixer is isolated in a self contained space where odors can be well managed. This space has conditioned air that allows PacMoore to blend moisture and heat sensitive ingredients. Typical blend times are ten to twenty minutes. Unit size is 120 cubic feet capacity.
Patterson Kelley technology
The Patterson Kelley (PK or V) blender is specifically designed for very fragile, heat or shear sensitive ingredients. It is shaped like a V and simply splits the blend as it rotates. The blender has a polished 3B finish that makes it ideal for challenging ingredients. The PK also has an intensifier bar that helps break up lumps and liquid solids. Typical blend times are ten to twenty minutes. Unit size is 30 cubic feet capacity.
Pilot Lab
The pilot lab is the perfect place to develop new product ideas. PacMoore can provide a significant amount of blending expertise. Our scientists have helped many companies across a wide range of ingredient families create new blends. Extensive exposure to the food ingredient industry has given us insights into the best practices being developed as well as cutting edge procedures for making the tricky blends stay together. PacMoore has three pilot mixers: plow, ribbon, and PK. All three can produce approximately 50 to 100 pound batches depending on bulk density.