Systemate Numafa recently launched an improved defrosting system for their spiral freezers, revolutionary for its capability of producing non stop 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.On June 7, Pastrilux, a bakery specialised in producing croissants and chocolate bread, opened a new production line in her facility in Mouscron, Belgium. Part of this new production line is a Systemate Numafa twin proofer as well as the mentioned spiral freezer. A rapid technical development resulted in a revolutionary new freezing concept. The Systemate Numafa spiral freezer has benefited from the companys long experience in the sector: it is the first system in the world producing non-stop without defrosting with this specific concept, which makes it an unique system with huge opportunities.Other freezers must be defrosted and cleaned after 6 or 10 hours of freezing. This restricts the production capacity. The new system makes use of the so-called sequential defrosting principle, which means the production process can go on for 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The production process does not need to be interrupted in order to defrost the freezer, which makes this specific freezer an unique piece of equipment for companies who want to speed up their production. A freezer such as this Systemate Numafa spiral freezer uses three evaporators. An ingenious system of moving doors arranges for the evaporators to be defrosted one by one. During the defrosting of one evaporator, the other two continue in the freezing process. This way the production process will not come to a standstill.Systemate Numafa is convinced that this sequential defrosting concept could offer a wide range of interesting advantages for companies in the food industry.