Free FDA Webinar Wednesday on the Food Traceability Rule
The FDA just released in November the final rule on food traceability, a key food safety requirement for the future. To get you familiar with the rule, the agency will hold a webinar this Wednesday, Dec. 7, from 1-5pm ET.
At the core of the rule is the Food Traceability List (FTL), which focuses efforts on food categories that were the source of many, if not most, of the FDA’s recent recalls: fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, shell eggs, nut butters, ready-to-eat deli salads, cheeses and seafood products.
The key requirement within the final rule is that any company manufacturing, processing, packaging or holding products on the FTL must maintain records, including key data elements (KDEs) related to critical tracking events (CTEs). In the event of an incident, covered firms, farms, retail food establishments and restaurants will be required to provide information to the FDA within 24 hours.
The webinar will explain the rule, including the covered foods and recordkeeping requirements. The FDA will answer pre-submitted questions and take questions during the webinar. Register for the webinar here:
See the FDA rule at