Who has the greenest food plant?
Food Processing is looking for a food or beverage manufacturing facility that exemplifies a commitment to a sustainable future. And we want you to help us choose our Green Plant of the Year – by nominating a plant below.
Some of the criteria we will use:
- Is it energy efficient?
- Does it use innovative or alternative energy?
- Is it minimally polluting?
- Does it minimize water use?
- Were green building materials used and construction waste minimized?
- Is the design innovative?
- Is it economically sustainable?
Nominated plants should be less than three years old. They can be any size facility, from any size company. LEED (U.S. Green Building Council) certification is certainly a plus but is not necessary. Sustainable practices tangential to the facility – such as selection of suppliers, ingredients or packaging with a lower carbon footprint – also will be considered. So will the parent corporation’s commitment to sustainability. Quantifiable measures are essential.