Nabisco CapriSun Juicers (Fruit Punch flavor) Kraft Foods North America, East Hanover, N.J.
Chris Eddy, 7th grade:Nabisco CapriSun Juicers are packaged in a nice colorful box that would catch your eye in a store, and are easy to open. As I opened the package, I could immediately smell a fruit flavor. The candy looks like a square pyramid and feels squishy. It also has a red blob in the center. They taste very good, like peaches and then a burst of other fruits. I'd give this food four stars. The only problem with them is there's not enough juice in the center.
Briana McCorkle, 7th grade:The packaging shouts out to all the young children; it's very bright. It tastes just like the juice, only sweeter, and the texture and smell are smooth. It is not necessary to have this product, but it's a good enjoyment snack for children to eat as an afternoon snack.
Derah Towns, 7h grade:These are very good – soft and squishy – and when you bite into them, they taste just like the juice. I think this will attract most kids. And the packaging is different than the other gushers – smaller but wider. Juicers is a good name because they taste just like the juice and have the stuff on the inside like the Fruit Gushers. This is a good out-the-door snack to pack for lunch.
Samuel Rohde, 7th grade:The packaging is very shiny and made for kids. Opening the package is very easy. The smell is a little bad – like cornstarch and sugar and the taste is like CapriSun. It looks like a house. The texture is very chewy and smooth, and the taste is what it says – CapriSun – and juicy. I don't think it is necessary because we already have Fruit Gushers, but the candy is still good.
Andrew Gillett, 7th grade:These are OK, but there needs to be actual juice inside, not this jelly stuff. What I do like about them is the fruity flavor. They also need to be bigger.
Cory Taylor, 7h grade:When you look at the box of CapriSun Juicers, it looks all cool and makes people want to buy them. They taste very good, so I think they should have many more flavors.
Julius Ross, 7th grade:CapriSun Juicers taste good, smell good, and are really juicy. They smell like grape juice, and I like them.
Paola Rodriguez, 7h grade:CapriSun Juicers smell very sweet. They taste chewy and juicy, and I like that they taste very sweet.
Megan Lindeman, 7th grade:The package was hard to open, and when I first opened it, I thought it smelled bad. But I think the CapriSun Juicers taste really good and so juicy.
Giselle Carbajal, 7th grade:I don't like CapriSun Juicers because they have the Gusher stuff in them. They taste like Fruit Rolls, so they taste a little good. My cousin likes them.