Despite dismal news dominating headlines, Americans feel they have a "high" fun quotient or level of fun in their lives - with a whopping 86 percent of adults polled having fun at least once per week, most of whom experience fun on a daily basis, according to the Crunch Fun Quotient Survey of 1,010 adults, which was conducted by KRC Research in April to determine the state of fun across the country.
Key findings include: 36 percent of adults desire a daily siesta like their European counterparts -- taking a nap scored higher than any other "recess" or work-break activity, more popular than office shenanigans like computer games or cubicle chair races. Adults older than 65 said they preferred having an endless supply of Nestlé Crunch bars; 48 percent choose to play pranks on their friends, while the rest would either sneak backstage at concerts (24 percent) or eavesdrop (18 percent. If invisible, a small percentage of adults admitted they would sneak into women's or men's locker rooms (less than 10 percent), with four times as many men choosing this option; Americans prefer simple pleasures like reading in order to balance out stressed-out lives largely filled with digital devices and longer work hours. Survey results show that almost half of survey participants reported that reading was the most enjoyable way to relieve stress after a long day (47 percent); Social networking offers different kinds of fun every day - from posting, poking, searching and uploading - but survey respondents have the most fun on Facebook by seeing photos of friends "then" and "now" (34 percent) and finding long-lost childhood friends (31 percent), with women having more fun looking at photos of old friends; While split almost evenly on their favorites, and 56 percent said they would swap their real-life boss for a celebrity comedian, adding a little fun to the work day.
Results also showed that Americans believe it isn't about the finer but "funner" things in life. More than a third polled said they would live in a tree house rather than the White House, and largely ignored the other fun options of living in a fancy new mansion or enjoying suburban living in the iconic Brady Bunch house. The future looks more fun than the past, with 36 percent saying they would prefer to live in the futuristic cartoon world of "The Jetsons," and in a nod to doing less household chores, more women than men saw the benefits of having a robot help around the home (43 percent vs. 29 percent). Nearly half would prefer to see a simple schoolyard game as the next Olympic sport - dodgeball took the gold, particularly with men, with more than 50 percent preferring this above all. The second favorite was Double-Dutch jump rope, favored by 21 percent of Americans, with women three times as likely as men to pick this for the next international games.
Most important the survey found Age is nothin' but a number - According to more than 1,000 adults surveyed, it is just that - and many adults are acting more like kids than they admit. Across all age groups, a third of adults report that friends are likely to tell them to "act your age, not your shoe size" indicating the fun, kid-like spirit of grown-up poll-takers nationwide.
"Nestlé Crunch recognizes the growing appetite for fun across the country, especially by working adults who desire more every day, kid-like fun," said Tricia Bowles, spokesperson for Nestlé USA Confections & Snacks. "Crunch always has embodied kid-like fun, as evident last year from our popular 1-800 Crunch hotline prank in pig Latin, prompting more than 2.3 million consumer phone calls. Wherever Americans work or play, Crunch is committed to helping them maintain a high 'fun quotient' and have a little fun every day."
What's Your Fun Quotient?