In response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, many individuals are contributing what they can to relief efforts, and many food companies are generously donating funds as well. We salute all who are helping.
Coca-Cola pledged $7.3 million in cash and product donations to the relief effort. The contribution includes more than 7 million bottles water, tea and sports drinks. Coca-Cola Japan and its 12 bottling partners will provide the beverages to national and local government authorities and other community groups for distribution ...McDonald's Corp. will contribute efforts with a donation of $2 million. The funds will be channeled through the International Federation of the Red Cross ... Starbucks Coffee Co. and Starbucks Coffee Japan committed support and $1.2 million to the relief effort in partnership with the American Red Cross and Japan Red Cross to aid immediate humanitarian and relief efforts ... Kellogg Co. gave a $500,000 donation to the American Red Cross. The contribution includes equal amounts of cash and product and is designated to support the efforts of the Japanese Red Cross Society. The cash donation is being made by Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund ... Kraft Foods Foundation announced a $200,000 donation to the Red Cross.