Hot Dogs and hamburgers are a given on the Fourth of July, but what are the top snack-oriented foods Yankee Doodle Dandies eat between, with, or instead of meals on America's birthday?
According to NPD, the top two snack foods consumed on the holiday are: Fresh fruit (bananas are the top fresh fruit consumed, followed by apples, watermelon and strawberries) and potato chips. Other snack foods among the top 10 that are eaten more heavily on Independence Day are: tortilla chips, donuts, salsa, dips, and chewy candy.
Not surprisingly, popular activities while eating snack-oriented foods on the 4th of July include parties and picnics (19 percent. Twenty percent of snack food eatings on the Fourth of July are eaten away-from-home and the top two locations are someone else's house and outdoors. This compares to 6 percent of snack food eatings at these locations on an average day across the year.
All of us at Food Processing wish you and your families a safe, enjoyable and food-filled holiday.