Inspiring children to eat healthier foods is a challenge for all parents, but they are going to get some help this fall in Canada from marblemedia, producers of Taste Buds.
Described by the TV producers, as a “food adventure series,” Taste Buds was developed for seven to 10-year-olds, and the 30-minute program is being billed as "a hands-on television and interactive experience that invites kids to be part of the entire process of food preparation - shopping, cooking, eating and even cleaning up," reports Retailwire.
One of those ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ concepts, it not only broadens a kid’s culinary horizons, it does so in the most entertaining way. No dull ‘educational’ fare here, it’s an irreverent approach. Kids are allowed to make a mess, kid around, so to speak, and learn cooking basics. Each episode follows two young co-hosts, Avery and Lily, as they explore the culture, history and other interesting back stories surrounding various foods. Adult co-host and chef Matt leads the adventure, and the Chillbot 3000, a voice-activated computer refrigerator provides background facts on foods along with recipes that the show's stars and audience members can prepare.
And, the touchscreen on the Chillbot will be reproduced on the Taste Buds' website to promote interactivity and give visitors access to video blogs, games and recipes demonstrated on the broadcast. The site launches in August just before the show debuts.
According to Mark Bishop, executive producer for the show, "We created Taste Buds to inspire kids to be fearless about discovering new foods. By watching the hosts create, taste and experience new foods, viewers will discover healthy and nutritious ideas in the kitchen."
I hope some enterprising U.S. TV network picks up the show. It’s a hoot.
Check out the show.