Impossible Foods is in a position to fill current demand for its plant-based protein products, and plans to expand into Asia and into analogue seafood, company officials say.
The California-based startup’s main product, the Impossible Burger, has proven so popular that it has struggled to keep up with demand. The situation was exacerbated earlier this year when Burger King committed to offering the Impossible Burger at each of its more than 7,000 U.S. locations.
Impossible notified distributors in a letter dated July 15 that the cap on orders was lifted. The company tripled its production since getting the Burger King contract, with round-the-clock shifts. Impossible also has found a co-packer and has long-term plans to open a new production facility.
Impossible is also looking into the development of plant-based seafood analogue products, CEO Pat Brown told the New York Times. It’s part of the company’s plan to have plant-based alternatives to every animal protein available by 2035. Brown said “fish are second to cows, followed by other animals” in terms of environmental impact.
In addition, Impossible is planning to expand into Asia, its senior vice president for international told CNBC. “Asia is by far the No. 1 focus for us,” Nick Halla said in an interview on the network earlier this month.
Impossible got a foothold in Hong Kong, a region of high per-capita meat consumption, about 18 months after its global launch, getting its products onto the menus of restaurants run by two popular local chefs.