Some food processors are mounting a last-ditch effort to derail voluntary FDA guidelines over sodium – but the effort is far from unanimous across the industry, Politico reports.
At issue is whether the FDA should recommend maximum sodium levels for specific foods. The initiative was started during the Obama administration and was continued by Scott Gottlieb, who served as FDA commissioner until leaving office April 12.
The guidelines are expected to be handed down this year. But Politico reports that trade associations including the American Bakers Association, American Frozen Food Institute, International Dairy Foods Association, North American Meat Institute and SNAC International are trying to stop, or at least slow down, the initiative.
The groups are pushing to meet with the Office of Management and Budget, which is responsible for reviewing the guidelines, and present a study showing that meeting them would require expensive reformulating.
On the other hand, the Sustainable Food Policy Alliance, comprising Nestlé, Unilever, Mars Inc. and Danone North America, has come out in favor of the voluntary sodium guidelines.