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Equipment Round Up: February 2023

Jan. 31, 2023
Our editors selected the following equipment to feature in our February 2023 issue of Food Processing. See which products they chose.

Point level detection

The Optiswitch 6700 offers the same point-level detection of liquids and solids as its previous models, now with 10-Link communication. It’s highly customizable, offering a wide range of available hygienic adapters, high- and low-level detection, and its double output can be programmed to monitor different processes or media. With the ability to monitor CIP and SIP cleaning processes, media separation, clogged or blocked pipes, moisture levels, and offer dry run protection, this level switch is suitable for point-level detection of food and pharmaceutical products. Krohne 

One-step processing

Non-Stop process integrates mixing, heating, flavoring/seasoning, forming and texturizing steps into a single, automated step. Suitable for rapid production of plant-based meat analogs and other food products in a one-step process yielding equivalent amount of quality production as a typical batch process but in 40% less time, and eliminating frequent stops for cleaning and correcting batch-to-batch inconsistencies. Readco Kurimoto 

Packaging film roll splicer

The Auto-Splice 3 has been added to the vendor’s packaging portfolio, which makes for a good partner to the year-old Robag 3e. The new machine is a compact, fully integrated automatic splicing solution that splices packaging film automatically, with no downtime or interruption to the packaging process. Its rotary reel swapping feature makes it easier to access and replace the film roll without having to stop the packaging system. The Robag 3e is a vertical form fill and seal (VFFS) packaging system, easy to operate, service and maintain, that features EtherCAT real-time protocol and an integrated display controller system. TNA 

Shear and SLIM

This inline high-shear mixer with Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) technology sits on an easy-to-clean, stainless steel portable skid with built-in workbench, and can be piped to the recirculation loop of any size vessel. Engineered for high-speed and high-volume mixing requirements, it has a unique rotor/stator device for injecting powders directly into a fast-moving liquid stream without an eductor or pump, offering straightforward wetting out of powders and fine immediate dispersion, greatly reducing floating powders, lumps or agglomerates. Operators can easily load bulk powders nto the hopper on top of the mixer, ensuring a consistent feed and minimizing aeration. Ross Mixers 

Check your weight

WeightCheQ 0-250 features high-precision electromagnetic force restoration weigh cell technology engineered within a range of 0–250g. It weighs product accurately and consistently to +/-0.01g, automatically rejecting product outside of the set tolerance level and depositing it into an accumulation drawer for reuse. The compact, modular, heavy-duty stainless steel weigher has food-grade belts, upstream/downstream data links and 20-recipe storage, and is operated via large color touchscreen. It does not require compressed air or changeover parts between product lines, and easily integrates into existing packaging lines. It is suitable for check-weighing pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, precious metals, cannabis pre-rolls and more. WeighPack Systems

Quick-adjust vacuum conveyor

The VS pneumatic vacuum conveying system allows for quick adjustments to air velocity, in seconds and without tools, to accommodate a range of bulk materials. Pressure can be changed at the vacuum pump or pickup point, based on properties such as particle size and shape, bulk density, stickiness and desired throughput rate. Suitable for food, chemical, pharmaceutical and nutritional products at contract packaging and processing companies that change products frequently, the automated instrumentation ensures required operating parameters are adjusted to the correct settings every time. Volkmann USA 

Cleaner vacuum conveying

New NFPA compliant, 1.8 ft cu. ft. (50L) capacity low-rate vacuum conveying system offers a cleaner operating environment for handling both raw materials and finished products. Easily integrated into a wide range of production processes, it has available feeders, bulk bag unloaders, bag dump stations and drum dumpers. It also can be integrated into extruder lines, small injection, blow molding and film producing processes, as well as handling minor additives for mixing and PVC blending towers. Schenck Process 

Soft-belt food separation processor

Introducing a new in-line batch-volume soft-belt food separation processor in a production version that has been expanded to serve more applications. The Model 100S features a wide infeed tray at the top and a discharge chute that allow it to easily orient to, and integrate with, nearly any existing production line. The system can instantly bring high-quality food separation capabilities online for processing capacities of 1,100lb/hour, depending on product and filter size. Its compact design with a footprint under 780 square inches, and casters at the base for easy mobility, make it a true utility machine that can roll into action for such applications as sausage rework because its soft-belt process maximizes extraction purity and meat integrity. With its added features, it’s also great for fish, poultry and other smaller-bone proteins, as well as other softer product applications. B&D Resources 

Centrifugal sifter for dry materials

The GS Centrifugal Sifter is a next-gen centrifugal sifter that ensures consistent particle size and bulk density. It automatically separates and conditions agglomerated powders, granule, and other dry materials into fine powders ready for transfer to the filling and packaging lines. Installed upstream of weigh filling, stick packaging, form-fill-seal, pouch packaging, bagging and other machinery, the sifter ensures the product stream meets the required specifications with a constant bulk density and a consistent, narrow particle size distribution. Any oversized particles are automatically separated and returned upstream for further reprocessing or collected at discharge. Suitable for nutritional supplements, seasonings, dehydrated foods, and other consumer products. Gericke USA 

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