OMG Blends Meal Replacement Smoothies and Soups Are Designed for Busy Women
Overwhelmed by busy schedules and a lack of easy, simple, healthy meal options, more than 31 million Americans are guilty of skipping at least one meal every day. OMG Blends, which is produced by a namesake Los Angeles-based company, is an innovative line of nutrient-rich smoothies and soups. OMG is an acronym for Organic Made Great, and is all about blending high-quality, organic ingredients packed with fiber, healthy fats and superfoods into a convenient ready-to-eat format.
Founded by moms for moms, these balanced blends are designed to replace one or two daily meals by delivering ample protein and nutrients. The use of a proven time-tested blending process utilizes the whole food, thereby maintaining all of the fiber content of the fruits and vegetables in addition to limiting food waste. Unlike juicing, blended smoothies, with a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fiber can, help to circumvent blood sugar spikes by slowing the absorption of sugar naturally.
The line contains seven smoothie blends: blenergy (kale and ginger), blendgenius (goji berry and chai spice), blendphoria (raw cacao, hazelnut and coconut milk), blendpress (cold pressed coffee and raw cacao hazelnut), blendsense (peanut butter, cardamom and bananas), blendternal (matcha green tea, greens and coconut water) and iheartomg (blueberry, pecan and cinnamon). There are also seven savory soups: Carrot Ginger, Cauliflower Turnip, Kabocha-Fuji Apple-Red Pepper Flakes, Spinach Pea Mint, Sweet Potato Ginger, Tomato Basil and Zucchini Roasted Fennel.