Betty Crocker Fun da-Middles Put a Twist on Traditional Cupcakes
Cupcakes are expected to be the fastest growing part of the baked goods industry for the next couple of years, according to Mintel Group Ltd. Minneapolis-based General Mills has devised a little twist on the cupcake sure to appeal to moms and kids – the frosting is inside rather than outside.
Betty Crocker Fun da-Middles is the first boxed cupcake mix of its kind with a specially designed creamy filling that bakes in the middle of the cupcake. Since you no longer need to frost the top of the cupcake, it is an ideal mess-free treat to pack in school (or work) lunches. Just add eggs, water and oil to the batter, fill each cupcake liner approximately one-third of the way with batter and set aside the remaining batter. Squeeze a small amount of filling in the center of each cupcake, top with more batter and bake. Each box contains cupcake mix and filling for 12 regular cupcakes or 24 mini-cupcakes.
Kid favorite varieties include: Vanilla Cake with Creamy Chocolate Filling, Chocolate Cake with Creamy Vanilla Filling and Vanilla Cake with Creamy Vanilla Filling. (Moms would love a chocolate cake with chocolate filling – hint, hint).
"The convenience of a home-baked ‘out of the oven and done' cupcake is what moms will love about Fun da-middles," said Liza Dopp, marketing manager for Fun da-middles. "With the filling in the middle, they are portable and less messy, allowing kids to take the fun with them wherever they go."
Suggested retail price is $3.29.