Windsor, N.C.-based Bertie County Peanuts, a family business specializing in peanut products made from USA locally grown Super Extra Large Peanuts, takes a step towards meeting the desires of its customer base by expanding its line of savory and seasoned products with the introduction of Weeping Mary's Ghost Pepper Peanuts. Packaged in plastic recyclable jars, Weeping Mary's Ghost Pepper Peanuts are a dangerously hot mix of Super Extra Large Peanuts coated with Ghost Pepper (Naga Jolokia), the world's hottest pepper, Habanera Pepper, paprika, and sea salt. Needless to say, it's a great taste for anyone who really likes the hot things in life.Suggested retail price for a 10-oz jar is $5.60 and $14.50 for a 30-oz jar.