Most Asian sauces are made with wheat-filled soy; hence, they are taboo for adults or kids sensitive to gluten. Now you can serve a scintillating Asian-inspired gluten-free dish with the help of Richmond, Va.-based San-J International Inc.San-J sauces are organic, 100% natural and certified gluten-free. The line includes: Organic Gluten Free Tamari Soy Sauce (made with 100% soybeans), Organic Gluten Free Reduced Sodium Tamari Soy Sauce, a variety of Gluten Free Asian Cooking Sauces, including Thai Peanut, Szechuan, Teriyaki, Sweet & Tangy, Asian BBQ and Orange, and Gluten-Free Asian Salad Dressings, available in Tamari Sesame, Tamari Peanut and Tamari Ginger. Suggested retail price for Organic Gluten-free Tamari Soy Sauce is $2.69, Gluten-free Asian Cooking Sauces is $3.69, Asian Salad Dressings is $3.00, and Gluten-free Crackers (Tamari Brown Rice, Tamari Brown Sesame Brown Rice, Tamari Black Sesame Brown Rice and Teriyaki Sesame Brown Rice is $3.69.