Old Orchard Reduced-Sugar Acai Blend is Preservative-Free, With no Artificial Flavors or Colorings
Due to its high nutritional value and relative affordability, America’s new super fruit of choice is the acai berry. However, traditional varieties of acai juice can contain a large amount of natural sugar, unwanted calories and carbohydrates. Sparta, Mich.-based Old Orchard Brands bolsters its Healthy Balance line of Fit for Your Lifestyle reduced-sugar juices with the addition of Healthy Balance Pomegranate Blueberry Acai, an acai berry blend that features just 29 calories per 8-oz. serving.
Linked to a uniquely powerful nutrition profile that includes vitamins B1, B2, B3; vitamin E, vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, fiber and protein, acai’s unique properties may reduce cholesterol, aid in weight loss and improve heart health according to www.acaiberry.org. Preservative-free, with no artificial flavors or colorings, Pomegranate Blueberry Acai is fortified with 100 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C. It is sweetened with real fruit juice and Splenda no-calorie sweetener, allowing for a drastic reduction in sugars, carbs and calories compared with 100 percent fruit juices of the same variety.
"Like the blueberry and the black currant berry before it, the acai is a rich, dark-colored super fruit that is packed with nutritional value," says Mark Saur, president and founder of Old Orchard Brands. "The challenge for the consumer has been how to reap the health benefits of the fruit while keeping calories and sugar intake low. The Healthy Balance line was designed specifically to address that challenge, and the new Pomegranate Blueberry Acai fits perfectly with a healthy lifestyle and diet."
And it’s nice to know that a portion of all proceeds goes to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and its effort to fund diabetes research.
Suggested retail price is $2.69 per 64-oz bottle.