Inpro/Seal Company has revised its Cost Justification Worksheet (CJW) For Motors. This Excel module identifies energy and operational savings a plant can attain through the use of bearing isolators. (Download the module here)The Inpro/Seal CJW is a valuable tool for top management, engineering, operations, maintenance and other professionals involved in the maintenance, repair and operation (MRO) of motors for industrial and process applications. The elements of this module can also be used with pumps, machine tool spindles, turbines, fans, gear boxes, paper machine rolls, conveyors, shafts, VFDs and other types of rotating equipment.End users simply supply the number of motors, current costs to repair and other pertinent performance data. The CJW allows plants to calculate their own ROI (return on investment) factoring in the use of bearing isolators, including benchmarks of current repair costs and ways to increase the reliability of their rotating equipment. The CJW also includes such information as: accumulated savings; total investment; net return; data for life-cycle costing; the use of more efficient motors; net costs to run motors more efficiently; and more. The benchmarking of Bearing Isolator performance referenced in the CJW relies on data compiled from thousands of actual bearing isolator applications.