Key Technology's Online Training Now Includes Tegra Sorters
Aug. 25, 2009
Key Technology introduced its new Online Training Program for Tegra with G6 sorters. This interactive, multimedia curriculum expands the knowledgeability of employees to better operate, maintain, and clean Tegra sorting systems. Key’ s Online Training Program helps processors operate Tegra at peak performance to optimize product quality and maximize equipment uptime while reducing training costs.
Designed for supervisors, operators, maintenance personnel, sanitation crews, and others working with Key’s Tegra sorters, the new program includes six self-paced modules covering various Tegra hardware topics. Additional modules, introduced in 2008, cover software-related G6 user interface topics that pertain to Tegra as well as other current Key sorters including Optyx, Manta, ADR systems, and G6-upgraded legacy sorters.
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