Open Chute Box Dumper Allows For Discharge Of Free-Flowing Materials
June 21, 2010
Related To: Flexicon
Flexicon's Open Chute Box Dumper offers a method of discharging bulk solid materials from boxes, totes and other containers when dust containment is not a requirement. The dumper accommodates Gaylords and other boxes from 36 in. to 48 in. (915 mm to 1220 mm) on a side and 39 in. to 44 in. (990 mm to 1117 mm) overall height. The box-container lift assembly is tipped hydraulically until material discharges from the container onto a smooth, flat chute that allows unobstructed discharge of free-flowing materials―as well as non-free-flowing products containing large agglomerates―into receiving vessels.Twin hydraulic cylinders pivot the platform-chute assembly, with the container secured from sliding by transverse sidewall braces, to discharge angles of 45 or 60 degrees beyond horizontal, including a motion-dampening feature at the termination of container rotation.The dumper is available with stainless steel material contact surfaces, in carbon steel with durable industrial coatings, or in all-stainless construction to industrial and sanitary standards.
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