Pasta Dough Mixing Machine Provides Shorter Mix Times And Increased Production
Lowe Industries' new pasta dough mixer features an innovative agitator design that provides shorter mix times, increased production reliability, flexibility and faster dough development with a reduction in energy consumption.
Adjustable and replaceable paddles provide low maintenance. Designed with smaller batch sizes in mind, this mixer is ideal for specialty pasta manufacturing operations. The unit shown is a pasta dough batch mixer with 400 lb. working capacity. It is used to blend various flour mixtures with liquid to produce either dry or fresh pasta. Internal agitation consists of (12) paddles with a blade clearance set at ¼” from the bottom centerline to the trough resulting in better dough temperature control. It also includes a Nema 4 electrical control panel, ASME pressure dispensing injection tank, liquid spray manifold system and Fairbanks Series II 300 lb. digital weight scale.