EMEC Americas, Inc. introduces a new microprocessor controlled metering pump that automatically calculates the parts per million (ppm) of required chemical concentration based on the flow rate received from an inline meter. Because the calculation of ppm is not static to flow, the new MF Series Metering Pump increases the accuracy of your critical ppm chemical injection applications by dynamically adjusting the dosing as the flow rate changes.
What this means is that you now can use the correct amount of chemical needed to meet the application increasing the safety of the chemicals used as well as saving money by eliminating over dosing.
Backed by the industry's only 5-year diaphragm warranty, the MF Series pump is ideal for use in a variety of applications such as: sulfites to aide in preserving wine; nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, herbs and energy boosters to enhance sports drinks; flavors and texturisers to enhance coffee, tea and milk; artificial sweeteners for soft drinks.
The MF series pump is capable of flow rates from .025 to 15.85 gph at pressures from 29 to 363 psi and includes liquid end options in acrylic - polymethyl methacrylate, PVDF and stainless steel.