High-oleic canola
Optimize your product's fat nutrition and functionality with Clear Valley high-oleic canola oils and shortenings. They improve nutrition labels, texture and structure. This full line of fat solutions can help deliver zero trans fat per serving and low levels of saturated fats - without sacrificing taste and performance. There are Clear Valley products suitable for many applications, from frying to sautéing to baking.
Cargill; Wayzata, Minn.
800-323-6232; www.cargill.com/food
Trade gum for fat
Replace or reduce fat and maintain or improve the texture of your original product with Coyote Brand Fat Replacements. They are all natural, contain soluble and insoluble fiber and can be a functional ingredient in reduced calorie applications. These fat replacements improve texture, add pliability, bind moisture and provide freeze/thaw stability.
Gum Technology Corp.; Tucson, Ariz.
800-369-4867; www.gumtech.com
No trans and less saturated
A new reduced-saturate, trans fat-free, nonhydrogenated all-purpose shortening, SansTrans RS39 T20, offers the same functionality as traditional bakery shortenings but with 30 percent less saturated fat than typical trans-free alternatives. Based on palm and canola oil, it is not hydrogenated and no-trans fatty acids are produced during its manufacture. The shortening is naturally saturated and crystallizes readily in the ideal beta-prime form. This product is for food manufacturers who want to eliminate trans fats but reduce saturates in cookies, cakes, fillings and dairy substitute systems.
Loders Croklaan; Channahon, Ill.
800-621-4710; www.croklaan.com
Clean bill for soybeans
Despite some speculation that omega-6 fatty acids may be disadvantageous to heart health, the American Heart Association has dismissed those claims as unfounded. The soybean is one of the few plant foods high in fat – mostly the beneficial polyunsaturated fats and in particular omega-3 fatty acids, especially linolenic acid, one of the two essential fatty acids. Most of the fat in the soybean is in the form of the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid, which is the other essential fatty acid. Linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid known to lower cholesterol. The science advisory from AHA emphasizes the ability of omega-6 fatty acids to lower blood cholesterol and to reduce risk of coronary heart disease.
Soyfoods Council; Urbandale, Iowa
866-431-9814; www.thesoyfoodscouncil.com