Exotic tamarindTamarind Treattarome 9860 provides a full, tangy, somewhat savory flavor with a spicy front end and a nutty cocoa finish. With consumer tastes becoming increasingly adventurous, this ingredient enables manufacturers to incorporate this exotic flavor into a variety of products. Tamarind fruit grows in eastern Africa, Asia and Latin America and is a prominent feature in dishes in these regions. In Mexico and among Latin American communities in the U.S., it is widely used by the beverage and the confectionery industries. Uses for this new flavor product span beverages, including alcoholic drinks, savory sauces, snacks, desserts and candies.
Treatt USA Inc.; Lakeland, Fla.
863-668-9500; www.treatt.comMore Ingredient Round-Ups
Ginger zing
New ginger flavor formulations lend the perfect ginger profile to an extensive variety of product applications. Ginger’s flavor profile is peppery and slightly sweet with a pungent and spicy aroma, so you’re adding pizzazz to your next product development venture. It complements fruit profiles, particularly citrus, berry and tropical flavors. This natural flavor is perfect for beverages, dairy, pharmaceuticals/nutraceuticals, syrups, sorbet and more.
Robertet Flavors; Piscataway, N.J.
732-981-8300; www.robertet.com
Tropical flavors
Tropical fruits’ exotic flair and refreshing taste of paradise have made them staples of the consumer palate. From the traditional pineapple, star fruit and coconut, to the more exotic prickly pear, lychee and guava, tropical fruits have found a home in the beverage aisle. This fun family of flavor profiles is sure to bring a slice of island life to your next beverage project or a flavor focus for your development pipeline.
FONA International; Geneva, Ill.
630-578-8600; www.fona.com
Three caramels
Enrobing Caramel is soft and stretchy, suitable for cookies, granola bars and candy bars, especially as a chewy sandwich layer. Caramel Sauce, because it flows at room temperature, is suitable as a thin filling or saucy layer in cakes, brownies and other bakery products. And Caramel Bits -- chewy 3/8-in. baking pieces – work in cookie doughs or mixed into pudding, yogurt, granola and trail mix.
Kraft Food Ingredients; Memphis, Tenn.
901-381-6500; www.kraftfoodingredients.com
Natural enhancement
A range of Natural Sweetness Enhancers is available for applications in beverages, confectionery and other food items. These products give additional sweetness to citrus-flavored applications, increase the perception of sweetness and add back the mouth feel that is lost when sugar is reduced. They also amplify the sweetening effect and mouth feel of high-fructose corn syrup, remove the bite, burn and artificial tastes often associated with non-nutritive sweeteners and, for sweeteners designed for gum, they help release the sweetness of aspartame throughout the chew.
Taste Advantage LLC; Lakeland, Fla.
877-654-6541 www.tasteadvantage.com
Sweet and spicy
An exciting new flavor blend, Chocolate Chipotle, is a spicy blend of creamy chocolate and kickin’ chipotle. This one-of-a-kind creation is available to manufacturers for blending into numerous products.
GSB Flavor Creators; Kennesaw, Ga.
770-424-1886; www.gsbflavorcreators.com