A novel approach to sodium reduction has led to the introduction of customized flavor systems for reduced sodium applications. The resulting solutions can reduce sodium levels by 25-50 percent while maintaining consumer preference. In order to optimize salt reduction, custom flavor systems require a close developmental partnership between the company and its customers. A team of food technologists, chefs, flavorists and sensory/consumer insight experts ensures that each application gets the optimal benefits from the flavor systems.
International Flavors and Fragrances; New York
212-765-5500; www.iff.com
Savory crisps
A mix of sea salt and crushed pepper seasoning plus garlic flavoring from the vendor's Mastertaste division come together in the prototype product Sea Salt and Black Pepper Crisps. All the ingredients for this prototype, extruded potato crisp are from the vendor's ingredient portfolio, symbolizing the company's capabilities to provide savory flavorings with a healthy glow, especially for snack foods. Gluten and trans-fat free, the product also contains added protein for energy.
Kerry Sweet Ingredients; New Century, Kans.
800-255-6312; www.kerryingredients.com
No metallic aftertaste
Salt substitute KCLean Salt is a response to demands from food technologists and food processors as well as concerns of consumers and health professionals. This combination of potassium chloride and sodium chloride cuts the sodium content of regular table salt in half but matches salt's taste and retains its texture, functionality and mouthfeel. This is due to a natural proprietary blend of flavors that makes it stand apart from other salt substitutes and eliminates the aftertaste typically associated with potassium chloride.
Wixon Inc.; St. Francis, Wis.
800-841-5304; www.wixon.com
True salt taste