Calling natural resistant starch “a weight loss powerhouse,” recent articles on Prevention magazine’s Web site and at cite 2008 research showing that natural resistant starch helps curb hunger and stabilize blood sugar—even the day after consumption.
“Top Medical Breakthroughs of 2008,” appearing on both Prevention magazine’s Web site and Health and Fitness, refers to a Swedish study in which healthy people ate bread rich in natural resistant starch, including Hi-maize natural resistant starch, at dinner and felt less hungry the next morning compared with healthy people who had consumed plain white bread at dinner. The breads in the study included white wheat flour bread enriched with Hi-maize from National Starch Food Innovation and barley-kernel bread, both of which provided the satiety-inducing resistant starch to the research subjects [Nilsson, J Nutr 2008].
Unlike any other resistant starch ingredient in the marketplace, Hi-maize, from high-amylose corn, has been shown in more than 70 published human clinical studies to support weight management, energy management, glycemic management and digestive health, according to Rhonda Witwer, senior business development manager, nutrition, at National.
The only natural resistant starches available as food ingredients are National’s Hi-maize brand whole grain corn flour (Type 1 resistant starch) and Hi-maize brand corn starch (Type 2 resistant starch) from high-amylose corn. In the last few years, resistant starches (Types 3 and 4) from wheat, dent corn, tapioca and potato have been commercially produced, but the efficacy of these ingredients is unknown. In fact, depending upon the specific physical and chemical treatments utilized during production, Type 3 and Type 4 resistant starches can have very different functional properties and digestion/fermentation profiles.
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