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The Top 100 Companies and the State of the Business

Register today for the ranking of the Top 100 Companies by North American-made products.

September 24, 2024 

2:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM CT / 11:00 AM PT / 6:00 PM GMT
Duration: 1 hour 

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We’ll reveal our Top 100 list, which ranks the largest companies by North American-made products. But this is also a good time to assess the general financial health of the food & beverage business, including mergers & acquisitions, as these companies rewrite their strategies for the second half of the year.


Dave Fusaro | Editor in Chief | Food Processing

Dave has been editor in chief of Food Processing since 2003. Before that, he was editor in chief of Dairy Foods and managing editor of Prepared Foods, so he’s been covering the food and beverage industry for 30 years and has visited dozens, maybe 100 or more, food and beverage plants.

Andy Hanacek | Senior Editor | Food Processing

Senior Editor Andy Hanacek has covered meat, poultry, bakery and snack foods as a B2B editor for 20 years and has toured hundreds of processing plants and food companies, sharing stories of innovation and technological advancement throughout the food supply chain.