A lot of eyes were on the top food and beverage companies in the U.S. this week as the Consumer Analysts Group of New York met to discuss growth in 2020.
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Meanwhile, Kraft Heinz wasn't feeling the love when two bond rating services downgraded their bonds to junk status on February 14. Read more on Annual Sales Down, Kraft Heinz Bonds Sink to Junk Status
One of Kelloggs' brighter, shinier moments this week came when it announced it was going Incomeato with its new plant-based protein. You can eat that up at Kellogg Gives MorningStar a Sub-Brand: Incogmeato
Speaking of plant protein, Impossible Foods is taking some heat from groups who don't approve of its genetically-engineered beginnings. Read more about the GM-Oh No Week they've been having at Impossible Foods Hit Over GMO Use
As for genetic engineering, it will be interesting to see how groups square off over the six-month old start-up, BIOMILQ, that has found a way to generate breast milk in a lab setting. Read more about it here, Two Scientists Introduce Breakthrough in Lab-Grown Technology: Breast Milk
And thought we didn't post it as a news story, your eyes haven't deceived you this week. Food Processing has been undergoing a few cosmetic procedures this month in preparation for our big 80th Birthday blowout this summer. Pop us an email and let us know what you think.
Erin Hallstrom is the resident geek of FoodProcessing.com and the author of our Working Wit blog, she's responsible for the digital strategy for FoodProcessing.com including posting content, managing social media, and analyzing reader data. She's a Toastmaster, a Black Belt in Karate, and an Improv Performer to boot. Erin also is a founding member of the Influential Women in Manufacturing program and is a producer and host of our Manufacturing Tomorrow's Workforce podcast. Give her a shout-out or get in touch with her via email.