TasteWise Reduced Calorie Solutions for Beverages Uses Patent-Pending Technology
March 16, 2011
Related To: Cargill
Cargill's TasteWise reduced calorie solutions uses Cargill's patent-pending technology, application capabilities and ingredients to enable beverage makers to deliver better-tasting, reduced-calorie products.When producing reduced-calorie beverages, manufacturers typically lower sugar content. To compensate for losing sweetness, it is common to add zero- or mid-calorie high-intensity sweeteners and taste-modifying flavors. Although this effectively addresses the loss of sweetness, the resulting beverage is likely to deliver a thinner mouthfeel and a different taste profile.Cargill uses what it calls "tribology" – the science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion –to more accurately mimic and measure what goes on inside the mouth when a beverage is consumed. TasteWise reduced calorie solutions helps speed product development through the utilization of its unique prediction capabilities and new texturizing components. The pre-screened texturizing blends, commercialized as Trilisse blends, optimize mouthfeel in reduced calorie beverages based on specific applications. These proprietary texturizing blends also may allow beverage makers to use less sweeteners or other ingredients to achieve the same mouthfeel.Additional elements of TasteWise reduced calorie solutions include Cargill's sweeteners, such as the stevia-based, zero-calorie sweetener Truvia rebiana*, and taste enhancing and masking flavors.