The Scoop


Football Watching

'That's a Wolf': Reviewing the Super Bowl Food Company Ads

Feb. 13, 2023
As we shut the door on another year of Super Bowl commercials, Senior Editor Andy Hanacek gives his thoughts on the overall portfolio, while also calling attention to the food...
Flag Fence
The Scoop

On Whom the Poll Tells

Dec. 6, 2022
An IDFA poll about attitudes toward immigration reveals some surprising political differences.
Railway Worker
The Scoop

Lessons From a Strike That Didn’t Happen

Nov. 30, 2022
The food & beverage industry can look to the railroads as an example of how not to treat workers.

Live By Influencers, Die By Influencers

June 28, 2022
Social media influencers can be great for marketing -- except when things start to go bad.

Ukraine War Won’t Cause Famine (By Itself)

June 21, 2022
Why a lot of reporting about famine and the war is misleading.

Getting Nagged About Food

June 16, 2022
People think they eat better than they really do.

Greedflation and Gordon Gekko

June 14, 2022
What does it mean for a corporation to be "greedy"?

Lettuce Not Waste Food

June 9, 2022
Necessity brings about two measures in restaurants on opposite sides of the globe.