The Organic Trade Association (OTA) today reiterated that meat, milk and other products produced from cloned animals will not be able to be sold as organic in the United States.
OTA issued the reassurance after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its conclusion that foods from cloned animals and their offspring are as safe as those produced from traditionally bred animals. FDA today posted a risk assessment report, risk management plan and guidance for industry to outline its regulatory approach on animal cloning.
The national organic standards enforced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture require that organisms be developed and grown by systems that must be compatible with natural conditions and processes-including the breeding and raising of animals for meat and for dairy or other animal production. Cloning as a production method is incompatible with the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) and is prohibited under the National Organic Program regulations. Thus, animals produced using cloning technology are incompatible with national organic standards and cannot be considered organic.
"The Organic Trade Association (OTA) only supports the use of traditional processes for breeding and raising animals in the organic system," said Caren Wilcox, Executive Director of OTA. "The organic business community has never supported cloning animals as a part of the organic process. Organic animal products will not come from cloned animals. In the future, consumers who seek to avoid cloned meat, dairy or other animal products should look for the organic label on products."
In response to the FDA announcement, the National Organic Program today posted its updated statement on cloning and organic livestock production.